Server [EU Live/EU Build/Event]:
Items have no prpoper display name in the MESKA sections of the F1: Cooking Skill and Fishing Skill.
Bug observed since:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open up the F1 menu
2. Go into the Skills tab
3. Open up either the "Cooking Skill" or the "Fishing Skill" section.
Thank you for your bug report, Markus!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Hey this is not a bug but a feature. I changed the human-readable names to showing their real item names, when we released mining.
(Feb 4, 2025, 08:30 PM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]Hey this is not a bug but a feature. I changed the human-readable names to showing their real item names, when we released mining.
Oh. What is the purpose of this,if you don't mind me asking?
Originally I was thinking that displaying the original items uniqueids will make it easier when matching items to meskas skill configuration. In there, the original items uniqueids are also used whilst being synced/mirrored to the db.
This way we can also quickly identify the items in case we receive debug reports.
For the end-user this is purely cosmetics and not really of a benefit. It is basically the "raw" output as raw as you can get.
I think a good trade-off might be displaying the names in the old way (as seen on your screenshot),
whilst showing the uniqueid on hover/alt ?
For completeness I really think the uniqueid will be beneficial in future contexts and should be visible in UI somewhere.
Let me know what you think
Thanks and greetings
(Feb 4, 2025, 10:14 PM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]Originally I was thinking that displaying the original items uniqueids will make it easier when matching items to meskas skill configuration. In there, the original items uniqueids are also used whilst being synced/mirrored to the db.
This way we can also quickly identify the items in case we receive debug reports.
For the end-user this is purely cosmetics and not really of a benefit. It is basically the "raw" output as raw as you can get.
I think a good trade-off might be displaying the names in the old way (as seen on your screenshot),
whilst showing the uniqueid on hover/alt ?
For completeness I really think the uniqueid will be beneficial in future contexts and should be visible in UI somewhere.
Let me know what you think
Thanks and greetings
I see why it is like this at the moment and I agree that it is needed. I think we could do a hover-over for the uniqeid and the default be the proper names. Would that work?
Deal! I think doing it on hover is a good tradeoff
Thank you!
(Feb 5, 2025, 10:55 PM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]Deal! I think doing it on hover is a good tradeoff
Thank you!
Thanks for taking my input!