Feb 3, 2025, 10:02 PM
Server [EU Live/EU Build/Event]: EU Live Server.
Description: We're unable to wear the silver rolex with the mask 'jester' clothing. I was unsure whether this would fit more into the suggestions category or this category. Depends if it's intentional or not I suppose.
Bug observed since: 3rd February 2025.
Images/Screenshots: Not needed.
Steps to Reproduce: Try equipping the robber clothings and silver rolex watch together.
Description: We're unable to wear the silver rolex with the mask 'jester' clothing. I was unsure whether this would fit more into the suggestions category or this category. Depends if it's intentional or not I suppose.
Bug observed since: 3rd February 2025.
Images/Screenshots: Not needed.
Steps to Reproduce: Try equipping the robber clothings and silver rolex watch together.