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Full Version: Vadar to Developer
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To make up for the negative chins in the team chin count that one particular staff provided we decided to promote someone that is a chin that has a face. ‍ has now been promoted to Dev!

You might know Vadar's recent work

Rocks to Riches

The Plates Update

Shift Happens Update (Pushing and Escorting)

Welcome to the team chin-man aka Vadar!
Working alongside Vadar has absolutely proven to me that he is capable of handling pressure and feedback from our community as well as incorporate it into his workflow. Not to mention how talented he is at creating content.

Good job Vadar, looking forward to working with you in the future!
Many thanks to the L2 Team and feedback from the community on recent updates, 
Ive got big shoes to fill from the other Developers here  Sweating Laugh

Heres to hopefully many more updates and Developer Contributions!
[Image: G9GfHAY.gif]
What a great, creative and passionate man!
Absolutely deserved Vadar.
Congrats Vadar!
Well deserved. Watching you make your recent work has been great and I hope to watch you make much more!
Vadar is a GOD! Congratulations man!
Bloody good job mate, well done 👏
Congratulations, Vadar. I was online during your promotion and it’s well deserved to say the least. You’ve been around consistently throughout the years and I’m pretty sure you’ve contributed way more to the community than we actually know. Kudos to you.
about time tbh 👏👏
Wooo, well deserved, congrats!
Congratulations, well deserved!
Congratulations Vadar! deserved.
What a great addition to the Team! Welcome Vadar! You are an Outstanding developer!
Geordie twat <3 - congrats ^.^
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