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Service [Forums/UCP/TeamSpeak/Stock Exchange/Etc]:


Description: Viewcount doesn't work on all posts.

Bug observed since: Relaunch.

[Image: 932JYRv.png]
Steps to Reproduce: Yeah.
Thank you for your bug report, Mr.Sir!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Are you still having this issue, ?
I am unable to replicate this issue currently.
After discussing with Mr.Sir, this is still an active issue.
For example: In Community Announcements, The "Brynn to CityRP SAHR" has 0 views but the main post has 31 likes. :thonk:
Not sure what's causing this. There's no error message, no warning, no nothing like that, just doesn't appear to be calling the function to increment the count.