Hey All,
Today we're releasing a new update to license plates on Limelight, with a variety of quality of life and feature updates. For starters, each vehicle now has it's own unique plate, so every car you own will have a different plate and these plates are also still globally unique too, just like real life! You can see the plate in your inventory next to the vehicle, so you can have multiple of the same type of car with different plates too.
Next up, a new feature, Fake License Plates. You can now purchase Fake License Plates from Black Market Dealers for $30,000. These one-time-use items can be applied to a car and will provide a randomly generated fake plate until that car is stowed away, or you can use /removeplate to remove it. These Fake Plates provide effective protection against radar guns, as Police won't be able to warrant you based on your license plate number. They can also help switch things up in a pursuit situation! What, me, officer? But that isn't my plate!
To compliment the addition of the fake plates, you can no longer stow away your vehicle while warranted.
Finally, we have a visual update to plates.
has created several new license plates and refreshed the existing seasonal plates too. You can now also switch between certain plates, and this is stored per-license plate so you can choose a different plate theme per vehicle! Below you can see the various plates we now have.
![[Image: plates.png]](https://cdn.limelightgaming.net/updates/platesupdate/plates.png)
You can switch between plates with the /plate command, choosing between default, member1, member2, silver, gold. For the member plates, you must be a member... duh! For silver, you require 3 REPs and to flex with gold, 9 REPs. Default will be the current seasonal plate. We've also introduced a new license plate font which looks a bit more realistic!
![[Image: membershipplate.png]](https://cdn.limelightgaming.net/updates/platesupdate/membershipplate.png)
Just as a footnote, as part of this update, all license plates will now be reset. Your car will receive a randomly generated license plate on first spawn.
Hope you all enjoy the update, let us know if you spot any bugs!
- Plate Update
- New license plate graphics, moral support, thread graphics
- Assistance and bugfixing
- Inventory Item Metadata Update
*New Update Notification*
Another new update? I wonder which dream team is behind this one

number plate market incoming! 👀
Whoever stole the Plate I've had since Day 1 (and before, on other servers), I'm very disappointed in you.
Never have i been so glad to burn through so much money. But im happy with my Methlab RV and the Karen Minivan

. Seriously though this is an amazing update.
I've never spent 2.2mil so quickly...
Thank you for a spanking update
(Jan 22, 2025, 04:52 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 22, 2025, 04:11 AM)Stomm Wrote: [ -> ]Whoever stole the Plate I've had since Day 1 (and before, on other servers), I'm very disappointed in you.
Surprisingly, it wasn't him.
A great update, love the fake plates.
So I’ve heard that 3 players have decided to horde every single plate, because they were all reset and this update released at 11pm.
I can’t lie, this is extremely unfair on the 90% of the community that were asleep when this dropped.
Especially for some people that have always had the same plate. I have had “3” since 2016, I’m sure there are dozens of other players that have been absolutely shafted by this.
Really really good update, but the execution and release seems like it wasn’t thought through?
(Jan 22, 2025, 11:55 AM)Taylor Wrote: [ -> ]So I’ve heard that 3 players have decided to horde every single plate, because they were all reset and this update released at 11pm.
I can’t lie, this is extremely unfair on the 90% of the community that were asleep when this dropped.
Especially for some people that have always had the same plate. I have had “3” since 2016, I’m sure there are dozens of other players that have been absolutely shafted by this.
Really really good update, but the execution and release seems like it wasn’t thought through?
Yes this is a valid criticism and we’re discussing how we can improve in future. It was an oversight on my part that the server would auto restart due to player count being under 10. We also knew there would be a bit of a gold rush, but perhaps didn’t realise to what extent that would go with some of the hoarding, so for that I apologise.
There will be subsequent updates to also improve plate trading.
(Jan 22, 2025, 11:55 AM)Taylor Wrote: [ -> ]So I’ve heard that 3 players have decided to horde every single plate, because they were all reset and this update released at 11pm.
I can’t lie, this is extremely unfair on the 90% of the community that were asleep when this dropped.
Especially for some people that have always had the same plate. I have had “3” since 2016, I’m sure there are dozens of other players that have been absolutely shafted by this.
Really really good update, but the execution and release seems like it wasn’t thought through?
Following on from what Liv said, I have to take responsibility here. I wanted to give more buffer space for updates coming out soon, so I pushed this last night, and obviously it didn't go well.
We're currently looking at solutions for those who had their plates taken.