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posting for my friend becuase he dont understand this forum
Your Name: Big spoon

Issued by: dick

Blacklist ID: STEAM_0:0:9264583

Server: LL

Why should you be unblacklisted?:
we we're robbing this guys house, my friend Usman was outside and told me the owner had come back home and he was possibly armed. I then stayed in the apartment and waited for him to surprise attack him so we don't end up in a longer firefight and possibly include the police in our raid. Later I got a blacklist for 3 hours because "shooting unarmed immediately with no interaction".

first of all he was clearly armed as you can see in the video. second of all why do I have to talk to the owner of the house who was possibly armed at the time.
I don't belive this is "random" deathmatch, this is where the player has several options to choose between what to do in a robbery scene, that is what the whole RP point is I belive, I choose to kill him instead of risking my character life with the owner of the house or with the police.

The staff members have received your blacklist appeal, usman.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I came into an empty house, opened a door and you shot me for that. There wasn't even an attempt to take me under FearRP, I had no gun out, you didn't try to resolve this in any way but just straight up shot me.

You essentially did exactly what you got blacklisted for; you shot a visibly unarmed person with zero interaction.
sorry, when my house irl gets broken into and I still enter it I will not expect to get shot by the burglar as this clearly doesn't happen in real life.

why is there no line between rdm as just going on the street killing anyone you see just for fun or actually robbing a place and when someone interrupts he should except to get killed/kidnapped.
Hi Spoon.

There are plently of things you could have done to resolve some of your issues in this scenario. Firstly, There were plenty of time before Nudel entering the apartment block, this is even before you entered his apartment. You could have ran upstairs or hid in another apartment are two examples.

The primary issue and the reason for your punishment is that you chose immediate violence as your answer. There were many peaceful or more passive solutions that would have been acceptable for this scenario. There was no interaction between yourself and Nudel about the robbery and you just immediately open fired and killed him. He additionally wasnt visibly armed at the time.

Violence should never be the first option if other alternatives are available and just shooting someone for coming home isn't acceptable.

- Dick
Sent via Mobile
Hi Spoon,

So I've reviewed some footage and talked to ‍.

You finished your robbery, and then you decided to go back inside of the apartment for what seemed like no apparent reason from the footage I have reviewed. Also, Nudel never showed his weapon from the moment he got outside of his car, the only time his weapon showed up was after his death.

You weren't caught mid-act, you could've easily escaped, hid in another apartment. Or you could've perhaps taken him hostage even though there doesn't seem to be much reason to do this in this scenario. There was no reason for violence to have been the answer here.

The blacklist will remain, appeal denied.