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Full Version: Photon | GetVehicleClass Error
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Generic Photon Error.

[photon] addons/photon/lua/autorun/photon/sh_photon_vehicles.lua:42: Tried to use a NULL entity!
  1. GetVehicleClass - [C]:-1
   2. unknown - addons/photon/lua/autorun/photon/sh_photon_vehicles.lua:42

Timer Failed! [1745-PHOTON-829.63641357422][@addons/photon/lua/autorun/photon/sh_photon_vehicles.lua (line 34)]

Bug observed since:
Latest Photon Fix


Steps to Reproduce:
Unknown, wasn't directly related to me.
Thank you for your bug report, Dick!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
I believe one vehicle we didn't check on the beta was the security Prius, EMS vehicles and SSA suburban. Which I imagine are the ones which potentially don't have a vehicle class right now? Unless this error was before the latest server restart as the civ vics were causing this error as well.
This is the timer failing if EntityCreated is called on an entity which doesn't exist in our cache yet.
Resolved in the Limelight build.