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Your Steam Name: šŸ§ / John Jong

Time/Date: 09/01/2024 21:15

Your Steam ID:Ā STEAM_0:1:14212289

Name of Staff Member: Decay

Summary/Details: I was RPing as a mechanic when upon request I repaired a police officers car, I then asked the officer to pay for the repair and he refused. He then began trying to arrest me and was put at gun point by ā€ who told him to uncuff me, which he did. Pufitee then ran off and the officer said "oh your friend isnt here anymore"Ā and pulled out his cuffs trying to cuff me. I got into my tow truck and drove off onto Top St, the officer followed me in his car and tried to ram me causing us to crash into some roadworks. The officer then got out and put me under gunpoint so I stayed put, he then switched to his taser so I drove off. The officer then pulled his rifle out again and shot me but by this point I was at the end of the road turning left down the ramp. I drove towards car dealer, seen he wasnt following me and pulled over changing the color of my vehicle to avoid detection. I then immediately drove back into city approx 1 min after he first shot me. The officer then also returned to city and pulled right in front of my tow truck which was parked outside Main St shops, as there were people nearby I approached and questioned why he didnt pay for the repairs. He immediately got hostile and tried to put cuffs on me I ran backwards and went to get into my truck but before I could someone else hopped in the drivers seat and began driving off. The officer then shot and killed him. Wanting to move my tow truck and flee from the madness I got in my tow truck and began to reverse no where near the officer and was also unarmed so he didnt have a reason to shoot me, however he then immediately opened fire ending my life. I reported the officer for RDM, got to the sit and then Decay decided I had broken FearRP which I believe I had not. Decay decided to instead of punish the cop for RDM punish myself for FearRP and he decided to remove a REP. Which I believe is extreme, unprecedentedĀ and unneccesary. If it was actually FearRP then I apologise and did not realise this was the case. I do not believe removing a REP is the right punishment for the situation.

Hello John Jong,

Please give us some time to investigate further, while we look into the situation your REP will be reinstated.
We have permanently reinstated your REP, however, after our investigation and our talk with Decay, we saw that it was indeed a clear-cut FearRP case that needed a punishment. We understand a REP was too harsh but due to your circumstances, Decay believed it would be an appropriate deterrence. As a trade off we have instead decided to give you a 6-hour vehicle blacklist as a vehicle was the method used to break FearRP while reinstating your REP.

Thank you for your report.