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Name: Nudelsalat im Panzer

SteamID: I am not able to copy anything into this, so I unfortunately cant copy my steamID either

Refund details: I've been basing and doing Meth and Weed. As the refund system does not work I've lost quite the amount of items which I am requesting a refund for;
-6x Chemical Glasses
-1x Stove (Meth)
-1x Tank (Meth)
-2x Acid Pots
-2x Red P Pots
-1x Sulfur D Pots
-3x 45,000$ for 12L of finished Acid, making me 45,000$/4L of Acid with the 100% formula I've been applying during the session. Even with a slight mistake during the process, each would still make me 35,000$ each.

-5x weed pots
-5x weed seeds
-1x UV light

Reason: Game crash, no function of the refund system
your steamID: STEAM_0:0:134230354
Refund issued for
x6 Chemical glasses
x1 Stove
x1 Tank
x2 Acid pots
x2 Red P Pots
x1 Sulfur D pots

need your opinion on the 3x 45000$ for the 100% formula.

x1 UV Light
x5 Weed pots
x5 Weed seeds
Sorry Temar for the earlier tag.

I've had a little discussion with Bambo, and we don't believe it would be fair to refund the $3x45000$.

There's a chance you could mess up the recipe, and because of that, we cannot prove you had the resources available to complete all the remaining cooking processes.