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Full Version: Evocity Medical Services Group
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Who are we?
Evocity Medical Servives is a major healthcare provider across Evocity Region. Our team is composed of best specialists in the US. Our main priorities are: 
-Multidisciplinary approach to patient care;
-Development of medical knowledge, experimental therapies;
-Prevention and health promotion;

-Cooperation with governmental institutions to assist with healthcare transformation;


[CLOSED] Administrative Department - Responsible for running the group. Main responsibilities are: HR, Training, Finances and Public relations.
[OPEN] Emergency Department - Core of the hospital. Responsible for all emergency admissions
[OPEN] Intensive Care Department - Critical Care Unit, overseeing POST-OP recovery and assisting in surgeries.
[OPEN] General Surgery Department - Responsible for all surgeries handled in the hospital.
[CLOSED] Internal Medicine Departament - General Diagnostic Team

Recruitment process

We are looking for different types of personnel: nursing staff, doctor staff and EMS staff]. We are looking for both expirienced and unexpirienced people. Our recruitment process is divided into 3 stages.
1. Application
-- Evocity Medical Group Application --

[OOC info]
Steam name:

[IC Info]
Full Name:
Department applied for:
Qualifications and expirience:

2. Training/Evaluation
Depending on your expirience you will be assigned to a specific training or straight up evaluated. We highly value engagement and proffesionalism. During Training/Evaluation you will be assigned Intern role.

3. Employment

After that Administrative department will decide about final employment and position.
[OOC info]
Steam name: Julius
Hours: Roughly 1200 hours

[IC Info]
Full Name: Ioulos Kosyfakis
Age: 41 years of age
Department applied for: Emergency Department

Qualifications and experience:

My name is Dr. Ioulos Kosyfakis and I am interested in the position within the emergency department.
I have been a doctor for 16 years, and I am since recently a specialist in emergency medicine.
The past couple of years I have been working from an ambulance in New York City, but I recently moved to EvoCity for the fine landscapes.

If you would need any information or have any questions, please send me an email at julius.x

Dr. I Kosyfakis
Sounds sick, best of luck!