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Full Version: PR -> usman
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Reported Players:
  • usman (STEAM_0:1:180596177 / )
Server: EU CityRP
Time: 2025-Jan-04 10:30

Reported decided to raid nexus to assault me to release his impounded car.

See my post on "LL is boring PART2" (

edit reason: wrote too little
Under review. Please sit tight.
Ok, so..

Looking at your post in the other thread and having discussed this case with a couple other team members, it doesn’t seem I have anything really actionable here. All I can see for sure is that you took a nice beating from a pipe wrench, but with no context there isn’t much that I can do about that. This situation was handled ICly by law enforcement personnel, who also just so happened to be staff members.

Additionally, there would be no violation of Rule 11.1 as there was a clear attempt at deception to try and get his vehicle back.

What I would like noted is that this incident occurred in excess of 2 days ago. I’m not sure why you had not only waited so long to report this incident, and I’m also not sure why you wouldn’t report this to the staff members who were clearly online at the time.

That being said, due to having no actionable evidence, this case is being closed and no violations are being noted at this time.

Closed. Moved. All that super fun and exciting stuff.