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Full Version: Dupe & artwork
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Hey, looking to buy a dupe for a restaurant (either a standalone building or using an already existing building). I am looking for the build to be based on a restaurant I found online called the "segev kitchen garden" in. basically a build with a lot of greenery and plant space etc. Needs a kitchen that can support the meska cooking system with several stove places. prop budget of 300 with all rep unlocks for any rep unlock tools/props etc, must be a good quality build and not a sloppy job.
Some images below
[Image: Y3KGVRe.jpeg]
[Image: R6RrBZr.jpeg]
[Image: A5Z08OJ.jpeg]

As for the artwork I am looking for a graphics design for the RPĀ "Business" of this build. not based on the IRL place. lore friendly being in Evocity etc.
What sort of size are you wanting?

Could repurpose the 2 storey clothing store on main street, a build that size I'd do it for ~$800k-$1.2m depending on time.

Or you could do something smaller say on top street, again for a build like that I'd do it for ~$500k
(Jan 5, 2025, 05:36 AM)Taylor Wrote: [ -> ]---

I like the idea of top street more than the clothing store. id be more than happy to go above the requested price for that location as well.
Drop over some info with regards to the Graphics side of things if you have an idea on what you need specifically, Presuming Logo, Menu etc.

Building skils are not my forte so im out on the dupe side of things
Any specifics on the graphics or do we have free reign? Any particular colour schemes, motifs, fonts or text you want with that? What's the restaurant quality like, is this just fancy or straight up michelin star?
Forgot to reply back here. Graphics have been completed.
Thread Closed: for being inactive for two months.