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Full Version: PR -> [L²] Kermit, Con51
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Reported Players:
  • [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644 / )
  • Con51 (STEAM_0:0:80752530 / )
Server: EU CityRP
Time: 2025-Jan-02 20:30

He was a police officer or a chief and he handcuffed me and he sprayed shooting on me and then the other guy said why you killed him he said he had a gun and i wasnt having anything

Name Of The Player: Con51
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80752530

Awaiting your response
Hi at the time the pres was doing dictator RP and he instructed me via radio to execute. This was handled in game as far as I understand.
Im sorry you werent happy with how things went but at that time the president was corrupt and made laws such as "murder is legal". I handled it in character by supporting a coup and he was killed as a result. Hope you understand.

Kermit was being arrested by you for the vandalism on the nexus, which wasn't even by himself but by another individual in-fact he was the one who reported it to you in a 911 call.

Quote:v4b1 [20:24:07] [L²] Kermit (STEAM_0:0:207130644) said "/911 theres someone putting ropes on the nexus buidling"

After further investigation before and after the incident, it seems that the VP at the time ralfsezitis was at fault. There seemed to be a poor intent to RP as well as, their job role wasn't set to be a dictator as stated in the rule 10.5 and therefore will receive a blacklist from president.