my discord tag is; a.sijn
i was banned from the discord 2-3 days ago without getting any reason or anything at all.
what happened?
i asked a person in general chat what gender they are, some minutes later I got banned because of this question.
can anyone point out the rule where asking someones gender is against the rules, that ends with a permanent ban, if not I wish to know and make admin abuse report on whoever banned me.
If not, at least let the community know that asking someones gender is strict against your rules
The staff members have received your suspension appeal, Diesel.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Our community is one of acceptance and diversity. With that in mind, please remember to be respectful to other users and tolerant of their beliefs, even if you don’t agree with them yourself. Simply put, if you can’t say anything nice, it's better to say nothing at all. If you’re joking about something, it's always a good idea to make sure that it’s obvious. Toxicity isn’t something we encourage, and we will actively try to avoid our services turning toxic; where necessary punishing those who behave in a toxic manner. The Discord is here for light-hearted and friendly discussion, other topics may not necessarily be appropriate, if you are not sure of a topic you can always ask a staff member if it's appropriate.
Rule 1: Staff decisions are final, if you have issues, please speak to a staff member of higher authority.
Rule 6: Do not flame or otherwise harass other users.
Rule 12: Respect the purpose of each channel.
The ban being permanent is irrelevant, discord only has permanent bans.
Jess said "Hi everyone", and you, out of nowhere, asked "are you born boy or girl ?" If you wanted to know relevant information, she has her pronouns in her discord bio. There was no context, no relevant conversation, and you didn't "ask her gender", you were weird, creepy and you've lied here to make yourself look better.
Feel free to make a staff report, but I'd like to point you to the first point of "the following points are not abuse:", "Banning you, even if you don't like the reason, make an unban request for this."
If you can't ask like a civilised person, you don't need to be in our discord, and all your grandstanding here about "letting the community know" is just proving to me, I was right. Appeal Denied.