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Full Version: first BL appeal since restart!
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Your Name: John Jong

Issued by: Doctor Internet/Daley

Blacklist ID: 76056, 76055, 76054, 76053, 76052, and 76051

Server: Main

Why should you be unblacklisted?: Was blacklisted over 6 years ago and have now been unbanned after a perm ban so believe its only fair that the blacklists are removed too.

Evidence: None
The staff members have received your blacklist appeal, John Jong.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I've edited your post to reflect it was and who blacklisted you rather than me.

(Dec 31, 2024, 05:44 PM)Night Wrote: [ -> ]I've edited your post to reflect it was and who blacklisted you rather than me.


icl just assumed it was you and didnt really look at the name lol
Daley's blacklists have expired already, so I'll handle this fully.
I'm here assuming you know now not to double door, so I'll approve this.