Dec 31, 2024, 03:53 PM
Your Name: John Jong
Issued by: Doctor Internet/Daley
Blacklist ID: 76056, 76055, 76054, 76053, 76052, and 76051
Server: Main
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Was blacklisted over 6 years ago and have now been unbanned after a perm ban so believe its only fair that the blacklists are removed too.
Evidence: None
Issued by: Doctor Internet/Daley
Blacklist ID: 76056, 76055, 76054, 76053, 76052, and 76051
Server: Main
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Was blacklisted over 6 years ago and have now been unbanned after a perm ban so believe its only fair that the blacklists are removed too.
Evidence: None