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Full Version: Input - Money/Inventory Wipe Discussion
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Limelight Community,

With the return of our City RP 2 server, we want your input!

Following general interest from several players, the staff team have had an internal discussion regarding a possible wipe of money and inventory items, with the exception of legacy items. Given our return, we feel it would be an appropriate discussion to have now than in the future as a wipe could offer a 'new save game' feel to Limelight. Presently there have been valid points raised both for and against it. To get a better idea regarding what the community wants, we thought it is best to allow you to voice your thoughts in a discussion thread!

We want your input!

What are your thoughts on the matter? This is everyone's community, server, gamemode and items, so we invite you all to participate in a adult conversation about this topic. There's a poll at the top of the thread, please feel free to cast your vote or discuss the topic below!

This vote is simply to gauge interest on a possible wipe. The outcome will not determine if it will be implemented/actioned at this time. This is a discussion only.

As always, thank you all for your contribution to making Limelight the server and community we want it to be!


Limelight Gaming Staff
Huge +Support, it'll revive the community even more
I'm for it.

Should be able to keep skills and legacy items though
Eh, fairly against the idea

I work 6-7 days a week, i dont got the time to re-earn what I already earned

Myself and no doubt many others just dont have the free time to spend 8hrs a day grinding cash and resources like we once did.

For me, to have what I did earn just "poof" gone after thousands of hours poured into earning it would more or less kill any desire to ever return.
Agreed with Blackdog, sharing the same situation. Personally, I think the most fun rp comes from Items and dupes that most players already have. I assume a lot of us just want to hop on the server for a couple of hours and just play rather than grind. I would guess 70-80% of tbe items would be the same from city rp 1, for some players it might feel like a lost save file rather than a new game.
Honestly agree with Chang and BD.

It’s the kind of thing that I think would prevent me from returning fully to LL. I work 60 hour weeks and I don’t really have the time to sit and grind out to get where I was like when I was a little younger. If I’m going to come back it’s to relax, chill out and RP after work, not to come on to work shifts guarding my contra fortress.

Secondly I think this may kill RP completely for months/weeks - there’s a good chance everyone will be sitting doing contraband, drugs etc to try and get ahead and be biggest richest player in quickest amount of time possible.

What’s been nice about reunion for me has been that it’s just been like every other time I’ve played LL - still had all my stuff etc. if I wanted to start from 0 again at any point over the past 3 years I’d have just joined another server but I didn’t because it wasn’t and isn’t worth the effort.

Also if people keep legacy items etc there’s no point doing a wipe as the rich still keep some of their richest items which imo removes the whole point of the wipe in the first place. 

Also there’s a question around the fact some people paid for their money in terms of money packs/membership and would be losing a digital product they paid for through no fault of their own. (I don’t really think this is a strong argument either but still)
I'm not sure this is worth it, there is no point in doing this if the issues in which we may be trying to fix from doing this (overinflation of the economy) aren't met with changes to the economy in an update which would take a while to implement and would take away from other potential development to focus on this issue.

PassiveRP is hard enough to gain money as it is, to remove players' money, could impact their ability to have access to certain tools to allow for passiveRP to happen, or for RPs which would allow for aggressiveRP to take place, considering contraband is the only effective way to "get money quick" to allow players to by cars, etc.

This may be met with it would give me a goal again, but then in a week when you're bored of staring at your weed pots growing, the pressure of your meth tank etc. we can't reverse this decision, we can't reverse a week progress, at least not easily. Doing this is permanent there is no safety net if players decide that no thanks I don't want this anymore.
The idea of wiping either inventories or money doesn’t really make sense. If players knew their inventories were going to be wiped, they’d just convert everything into money beforehand. On the other hand, if you wiped money but left inventories alone, people would just spend all their cash on cars or items to keep their wealth intact. Either way, it wouldn’t really solve the problem.

Overall I agree with whats been said before by BlackDog and co. Time wise it'd be a huge downer, as I personally really can not be arsed to put another 2,500 hours into this with uni and stuff around my head nowadays - and apparently I am not alone with that. It'd also not fix the flawed economy system, but would just enable people that have a lot of time on their hand to sit on the server for excess amount of hours on a daily basis and just farm excess money again within weeks.
Although a reset of Money and Inventory would spark the interest for people to re-grind and rebuild their inventories it could also have the flip side of damaging RP having players locked doing contra-farming/weed/meth/etc. and general playerbase interest when we have only been back up a matter of weeks.

When players first joined this community (Whether with the split or their after), They had considerably more free-time/in study etc. than they have now. I think having the exact feel as there was has sparked the interest of old staff and community members alike to rejoin Limelight on their journey once again with CityRP, not having to grind, its exactly how it was.

If that wasnt the case anymore having their previous achievements would that interest still be there? Would the majority of players (Exeption is D3ST as the man never leaves Tongue) spend considerable more hours to regain their stuff/wealth?

I have played previous communities elsewhere on different games that have completed resets and my experience was that it just ultimately put me off ever wanting to re-grind back.

As mentioned above me there are a few pros and cons:

  • Allows a clean reset where all players at a point are equal once again
  • Encourages the effort required to unlock items etc. once again
  • "exception of legacy items" allows some sort of account worth to be kept
  • Increase of playercount possible for re-grind needed

  • Solely keeping legacy items doesnt fix the wall that many players have, it will only delay the rebuild back to this point
  • Possible drop in playercount due to the fact of alot of players cannot commit time to re-grind and will lose interest.
  • There are alot of bugs/broken stuff that needs to be fixed first imo to encourage the interest of players to keep playing (This is by no means any fault of any of the Developers or Administration team, Stuff breaks, people forget how services were configured, time moves on, code stops working)
  • Resetting one or the other will just encourage players to move their stuff one or the other way before reset, Selling items to get money etc. or the flip-side of buying up as much as possible.

I feel their needs to be a different approach to this which is introduction of new things to do/culling of old stuff that is no longer used. Encourage players to be on with events/tasks etc. If the intention is to spark interest to retain a community base of players on CityRP approach this in a different way rather than flicking a switch in the hope of instantly fixing things/ creating returning players on a regular basis. 

I know development is single handedly the biggest cost with this gamemode but for me atleast the 2 things that made this community standout for me in comparison to others was the community it has surrounding of players and its active development that exceeded any other similar community.

Maybe taking a leaf out of other RP communities ideas to create RP and grind for items would be the better approach, thoughts from the top of my head that could be included:
  • More passive jobs/tasks for income that do not require users to be based alone:
  1. Delivery System, Deliver packages to properties and be paid for each drop, Scrap either the Delivery Truck or the Sprinter LWB. Allows players to explore the map and visit people they otherwise wouldnt see
  2. Mining, We have tree chopping why not do the same
  3. Edit of meth and weed systems to integrate a delivery process to a location/locations
  4. Car Ringing, Take a car that spawns, paint and change plates and deliver for cash. Tier this system for better cars based on successful jobs completed, higher end cars require tracker jammers etc.
  5. Drug Dealing, Possibly incorporated to weed and meth to force players to get rid of their product by RP/Out in the open means, Not just an NPC
  6. Towing system improved, Create a wrap around system to encourage RP and funding alongside different cars needing different vehicles (Electric cars requiring flatbeds to move)
  • Re-Introduction and improvement of the Stocks and Shares system we had, Returns have exclusive items to encourage use.
  • Gangs system, Fight for turf. Highest % base gains rewards etc.
  • Minigames/elements added for item crafts

Lets focus on changes to boost interactive RP going forwards whilst making unlockable/goals to work towards.
Good lord, let me wipe the dust off this account for a second.

I'm in agreeance with BD, Chang, Rage, Stell, Nudel and Vadar. For the small amount of time that I'd spend back in the CityRP 2 server, I'd definitely not want to re-grind for money/materials again just to play a little RP.

I'd like to stress the possibility of server-wide events for a boost in interactive RP and overall server popularity. Scheduled events gets folk on all at the same time and either working together or against each other for a fun time. Doesn't have to be a TDM or something that slings RP to the wayside, but events that would interest everyone involved to immerse themselves in the old RP we know and love.
I do like the stuff that I have, I won't lie

Good to have an honest and adult conversation about this though Smile
(Dec 28, 2024, 06:34 PM)Firav Wrote: [ -> ]Good lord, let me wipe the dust off this account for a second.

I'm in agreeance with BD, Chang, Rage, Stell, Nudel and Vadar. For the small amount of time that I'd spend back in the CityRP 2 server, I'd definitely not want to re-grind for money/materials again just to play a little RP.

I'd like to stress the possibility of server-wide events for a boost in interactive RP and overall server popularity. Scheduled events gets folk on all at the same time and either working together or against each other for a fun time. Doesn't have to be a TDM or something that slings RP to the wayside, but events that would interest everyone involved to immerse themselves in the old RP we know and love.

This - it's an RP server lets look at the RP elements. I genuinely think good RP draws people in - I've seen a couple of new (0 hr) players recently come on and find this experience entirely different from what they're used to in DarkRP and genuinely enjoy RPing 

Also content needs fixed so badly - my brother wanted to come on and play and then was having content issues and couldn't find out which of the 5253252 content packs was the issue... I suspect this is another thing stopping us from drawing in some players
The server pop would only grow in my opinion. The server is so over inflated at the moment its insane, and nobody gives a fuck about grinding or making more money which is a massive part of CityRP.

LL should wipe 100%. Fresh start, why would you want to keep the stuff you "grinded" for in like 2015. Everyone starting at the same level would in my opinion get more people back on, i would want to get more of my friends on so we could all grind and try get richest etc etc.

The people who want to "keep their stuff" are going to be people that rarely if ever play anymore anyway.

If you want my honest opinion the server is so boring right now because the economy is mental, i have friends (i guarantee 90% of playerbase does too) who can literally re install gmod and just give me their inventory because they will never play again, as well as friends that do play that have loads that will just give away stuff because they don't need it. 

Bring back that feeling of the server starting out again and i think more people will want to actually play and not just connect to do random shit for an hour then leave.
For a reference for how bad the economy is: I haven't bought a THING other than cars for roleplays. People have everywhich item possible, I just ask a random guy on the street "Yo could you give me X?" and I'll be given 2 or 3, or if it's ammo/food then double digits
When it comes to wiping inventories. I think this would have to come with a significant change in how obtaining items would work.
If we introduced a mining, refining and weapon crafting system, alongside limited stock for gun dealers, then an inventory wipe for weapons would make sense, for example.

When it comes to wiping money, this would also have to come with new, and fun ways of making money. Otherwise, people will just stop playing, or contra farm, which doesn't sound great.
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