We are hiring!
We are looking for:
-Nursing staff;
-Orthopaedic Surgeons;
-Cardiovascular Surgeons;
-Internal Medicine Specialists;
-Front desk Staff;
-Management personnel;
What do we offer?
-Amazing working conditions;
-High Wages;
-Benefits (Free parking, discount on shopping, medical courses and conferences);
You can be the future of Evocity Surgery!
If you are interested feel free to send CV.
(*Beep* *Beep*)
Pager info:
Planned procedure - Heart Transplant 29.12.24r.
On-Call personnel required
Situation is critical! We are the closest surgical center. 24 Year old patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He needs a heart transplant NOW! If we cant gather the transplant team we will need to send the patient to Southside Medical Center. I Hope I can count on you!
EvoMedica Medical Director,
M.D. Evan Harrison
Required personnel:
Surgical Personnel:
Cardiovascular Surgeon - Main Operator (0/1) *Neccessary*
Cardiovascular Surgeon - Assisting Operator (0/1)
Scrub Nurse (0/1) *Neccessary*
Perfusionist (0/1)
Ward Personnel:
Ward Doctor (1/2) *Neccessary (1/2)*
ICU/Ward Nurse (0/4) *Neccessary (1/4)*
Additional Personnel:
Organ Donor (1/1)
Medical Transport (0/1)
Medical Student (0/2)
Media Team
If you can attend contact M.D. Peter Arington (via forum/discord/in-game)
(OOC: Image generated for RP Needs, Data is random and doesnt represent any real information)
-Name changed to Grassy Field Regional Hospital;
-Hospital infrastructure updated;
-Mini-Event Rescheduled;
Time of mini-event: 19:00 GMT+1
Apologies for delay :<