Mar 3, 2021, 12:15 PM
Heya y'all.
With getting approved, there's some questions which need answering.
1. Should the icon changes be based on length of membership, or amount of membership (6 months of membership, £5 of membership).
2. Should the icons be built-in ( as is suggested in Luvbunny's post?
or custom made?
3a. If custom, what should they be? Different colour variations of the heart, or others?
3b. If inbuilt, which should they be?
With getting approved, there's some questions which need answering.
1. Should the icon changes be based on length of membership, or amount of membership (6 months of membership, £5 of membership).
2. Should the icons be built-in (
(Apr 19, 2020, 01:10 PM)Luvbunny Wrote: [ -> ]Such as this?
Quote:Membership Level (Pound 5)
Quote:Membership Level (Pound 15)
Quote:Membership Level (Pound 25)
or custom made?
3a. If custom, what should they be? Different colour variations of the heart, or others?
3b. If inbuilt, which should they be?