BRUH NOT APOLLO , bro you are like one of my favourite i can't believe that this is actually happening , wish you luck in your life thank you for the great service mate.
Sad to see you go Apollo, only had nice experiences with you (uhm besides some R6 games where I wasnt the best :^) ) Good luck with everything!
Good bye Mr. Apollo :< Good Luck!
Sad to see you go, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't of even passed Trial Mod.
Is this how you leave me???
I thaught we had a good thing going on

Another one... Have a good one man, Take care x
Stay safe man. Take care.
I remember the day pushing for you to join our staff team back in the day and it was a great idea because you proved you had what it took to enforce the gazillion rules and deal with some of the most toxic players I've ever seen.
Working with you has been an absolute pleasure! I raise a glass to you sir.
Sad to you see you go, good luck in life man!