Reported Players: lampard (STEAM_0:0:44175175) (
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Jun-17 15:42
Summary: So I was a cop patroling doing my thing when I see a speeding Ferrari.
All of a sudden when I start to chase the car Lampard crashes in the back of my car destroying his own vehicle.
I decided to ignore the Ferarri and focus on the car that just crashed into me, I get out and not even 2 seconds later Lampard throws a molly. I'm confused about why he decided to ram me (cop bait) and immediately tries to attack me (RDM).
I don't know why my recording was lagging but the points I stated are clear to see from the clip.
I didn't crash into the back of your car(it's even visible in the video) I turned left to take over and then u t-boned me into the wall, u even admitted on vc, but it's visible so no prob.
The Molotov was supposed to be on your car, for the t-bone that u caused, both my car got rekt and I lost some hp due to t-bone.
Find it pretty funny to report and straight-up lie about stuff that's visible

I'm confused about what you think I lied about?
Also T-bone? From what I can see I was on the right side of the road.
This is literally the definition of a t-bone angle... Well if I can see it right, I hope I can...
![[Image: 6001a6c3e8c47a1a87b9e27fd3236620.png]](
(Jun 17, 2020, 06:30 PM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]This is literally the definition of a t-bone angle... Well if I can see it right, I hope I can...
![[Image: 6001a6c3e8c47a1a87b9e27fd3236620.png]](
Maybe I was in that angle cause you hit my car?
Nonetheless no reason to try to kill me.
The fact is that you turned left and t-boned me into the wall which everyone can see, if I would have hit you from the back I wouldn't have ended there. I was driving straight in the left lane, then you turned left and t-boned me.
Secondly, you broke my car and I lost some hp due to your t-bone in which I think it's fine for me to throw a Molotov at your car. Your reason for killing me, is that I threw a Molotov headed to your car, ok?
Plus I was stuck.
You literally tried to murder me for you speeding and hitting my car and yes I shot you because you threw a molly at me cause that's a direct danger to my character's life.
I threw a Molotov, headed towards your car because the T-bone that caused me losing health and my car being rekted.
Stop twisting words. After I threw my Molotov, u looked at me without me having anything in my hands and straight-up murdered me even though you were out of the flames and that should be considered that u weren't in danger anymore and you murdered me anyway.
Try throwing a Molotov at an officer IRL to see what happens.
I'm not gonna respond any further this is a PR on you not me I didn't break any rules.
It's obvious to see, that you are backing out cause you straight up lied the whole PR.
But what is there more to expect of you? Nothing.
Firstly you T-boned me in which u could risk a lot of people's lives not only mine, you could have the conscious of 4 people dying. (Which might even fall under FailRP)?
You were out of the fire and in no danger still, u murdered me. That's what I would consider RDM or at least tempting not to resolve it peacefully once out of danger.
"Try throwing a Molotov at an officer IRL to see what happens."
No, I'm not like you.
Ok, let me respond 1 final time cause everything that you are saying is straight-up BS.
I'm not lying I just don't agree with you about the T-bone part.
Also, why speed by a police car with his sirens on?
And lastly, resolve it peacefully?
Are you forgetting you threw a Molotov?????
It's like throwing a hand grenade at a cop but saying you're innocent.
Like the things, you are saying don't make any sense.
You are just trying to put the blame on me.
(Jun 17, 2020, 07:19 PM)Dutch Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, let me respond 1 final time cause everything that you are saying is straight-up BS.
I'm not lying I just don't agree with you about the T-bone part.
Also, why speed by a police car with his sirens on?
And lastly, resolve it peacefully?
Are you forgetting you threw a Molotov?????
Like the things, you are saying don't make any sense.
"I'm not gonna respond any further this is a PR on you not me I didn't break any rules."
Don't be triggered now cause of the facts, keep your statement valid.
(Jun 17, 2020, 07:19 PM)Dutch Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, let me respond 1 final time cause everything that you are saying is straight-up BS.
I'm not lying I just don't agree with you about the T-bone part.
Also, why speed by a police car with his sirens on?
And lastly, resolve it peacefully?
Are you forgetting you threw a Molotov?????
It's like throwing a hand grenade at a cop but saying you're innocent.
Like the things, you are saying don't make any sense.
You are just trying to put the blame on me.
Everyone can clearly see that you t-boned me which resulted in me losing HP and my car being rekt. And I speeded before you put the sirense on, it doesn't force your points or anything. You just rammed into the side of my vehicle for no reason other than if you wanted to catch me but then you have to redirect the whole story, in which if you do I wouldn't be surprised cause that's what u do normally.
I'm not trying to put any blame on you, I'm trying to put things in perspective and show some context, which in the end harms you but that's not really my problem.
Yes, you can clearly see I was trying to catch you and see you in the video.
Totally not the Ferrari.
(Jun 17, 2020, 07:43 PM)Dutch Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, you can clearly see I was trying to catch you and see you in the video.
Totally not the Ferrari.
"I'm not gonna respond any further this is a PR on you not me I didn't break any rules."
Don't be triggered now cause of the facts, keep your statement valid.