May 18, 2020, 03:29 AM
Reported Players: Ayy Ben Bayyak (STEAM_0:0:128842190) () , Peaky (STEAM_0:0:120936663) ()
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-May-18 11:00
Summary: I would just spawn in and Peaky would just simply execute me. It happened multiple times and then Ayy just killed some civilians as well. The whole thing is caught in the video below. (The time is inaccurate as it was this morning when it happened so I just gave it a good guess.
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-May-18 11:00
Summary: I would just spawn in and Peaky would just simply execute me. It happened multiple times and then Ayy just killed some civilians as well. The whole thing is caught in the video below. (The time is inaccurate as it was this morning when it happened so I just gave it a good guess.