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Full Version: PR -> simplex
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Reported Players: simplex (STEAM_0:0:85262218) ()
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Apr-27 20:09
Summary: Reported Players: (STEAM_0:0:85262218)
Server: EU Live
Time: 4/27/2020
Summary: I was roleplaying as a law enforcement officer, and had my patrol vehicle parked in the gas station. I then observed simplex pull out a firearm, walked up to another officer sitting in his car, and shot him multiple times, killing him.

Myself and other officers returned fire, downing simplex. After handcuffing him, and having medics revive him, I questioned in local OOC why he shot the officer. He told me "for fun".

We then decided we were going to interrogate the suspect, and attempted to escort the simpex to a holding cell. The entire time, simplex broke FearRP.

Evidence: has video evidence of simplex breaking FearRP.
As for the actual incident regarding the RDM, I do not have that on video. I do however have a screenshot of him admitting the unjustified reason for the killing here:
and him saying he should be banned here:

Sorry, i know it says not to make you guys look for logs, and I hope you dont have to. I do not have my recording software set up yet, after this Im doing it immediately
Involved, as mentioned in the initial post.

Under review.
Awaiting accused. ‍ You have 24 hours to respond otherwise I will be concluding this PR without a statement from you.
hey i am the officer he KOSED

Simplex will be receiving a 2-day suspension for RDM and breaking FearRP, as it is clear he was just being a pain on the way down to jails, in addition to having his weapons privileges revoked for 2 hours.

Thank you for the report.

Closed and moved to approved.