Apr 22, 2020, 03:49 AM
Dear dear good people of LL.
My name is probably a mystery for some. Or people know me as 'that guy who sounds like Enzyme'. For others it is perhaps a reminder on how dictator RP can get boring as the totalitarian regime actuelly holds.
(You are very old if you remember any of these):
![[Image: 54DEFAEC5576A15349151060CEB6274DB84277FD]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/439451487537380900/54DEFAEC5576A15349151060CEB6274DB84277FD/)
Due to circumstances I have a little more time on my hands. And I went down memory lane. LimeLight has made its mark in my period of playing Garrysmod.
I remember playing on REDACTED. I remember the staff going on strike. And I also remember tagging along. That being a good decision.
LimeLight had a fresh breeze. From the very moment LL started, the developers of that time strived to be unique and deliver a different experience than its playersbase was used to.. Which was very succesfull.
Who remembers going down to ya boii Tyrone to shovel up some fresh cooked meth up his nose to get yourself a brand new Lamborghini?
![[Image: 327375602DB53E92AD1BC5E34E31666C4FC83310]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/425941828274814540/327375602DB53E92AD1BC5E34E31666C4FC83310/)
(Getting those limited lambo's was an intense race)
This system of making money was way too overpowered. But hey, it was fun!
Just like it is fun to stuff your car into the nexus elevator and getting it stuck on the presidential floor.
![[Image: A422BF7FC3A3EF9F68082D654663DA0BEE76C917]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/903237783687350281/A422BF7FC3A3EF9F68082D654663DA0BEE76C917/)
Or banning Brynn upon his promotion.
![[Image: 6A33A2C5667DD7A7213C84717A9D36E896F41FDF]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/311118613865278644/6A33A2C5667DD7A7213C84717A9D36E896F41FDF/)
Good times....
For this time it was normal that the server was full. The police had something to hunt. The government had something to govern. The maffia had innocent shopkeepers to extort. All the while quality roleplay was maintained.
Quality like setting your shitty house on fire for the fourth time in a row while emergency services still keep their head cool and act exceptionally professional? you should remember this one.
![[Image: BC63E9E6E1563362BAECC0047A4FE85D473974AD]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/311118613865282243/BC63E9E6E1563362BAECC0047A4FE85D473974AD/)
Times were good. But times has been harsh aswell. Which brings me to my next point.
The very low average player count is obvious, that is a symptom of a underlying cause. Why is this the case? To help us answer this question I found an old youtube video on my account. I made this video as a test for future purposes. It is of shitty quality, but don't worry, it is a hidden video.
"You received $85 salary. $14 paid to tax"
It is made purely as a test. But what can we see? A dick shooting down the officers because he didn't agree with the checkpoint. Well... next to that. One officer decided to put up this checkpoint. And I see 10 people tagging along. One action sparks the interaction of others, how small they may be!
This is just a very vague and small example. But where are these small interactions? I remember Nudelsalat Im Panzer spending hours and hours just being a traffic officer, not to get into an exciting chase where the perp would crash his car hollywood style. No. Just to RP to in its finest detail about giving a ticket. I haven't been a lot on the server lately, but the times I was on I did not experience these small things.
The small things are the very essence upon which roleplay is built. (Doodles, 2020)
Next are events.
Upon opening the forums, I am greeted with a header of some kind of event. Cool! But what happened to the unplanned, not so huge events that happened randomly when a moderator felt like doing an event? These events reach a public that isn't that accustomed to the server yet. Which can and will tie them down to this community. Correct me if I am wrong though, but back in the day I remember a lot of these small events happening, and I haven't seen them lately. But that could most definitly be me though.
I still have a pokertable in my inventory. I know it was a gamble to purchase it when it came out. But I remember that the promise was made that it would be fixed. It still isn't though. But that is not the point I wish to make. The point I wish to make is that perhaps it is time to sit back, and judge the current content on the server. Not only for whether the content is working or not, but whether it is still relevant/being used or if it is necessary. The download list is pretty long. And we do not have the large playerbase that we used to have, so it attracts less new potential members. A huge download list doesn't help that.
Lastly, I have been struggling with it ever since it was changed. The f1 menu. What happened to this hotshot?
![[Image: 0E80A9CB0D37EE0B702B22EEE307BE045DA477B4]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/425941828274814051/0E80A9CB0D37EE0B702B22EEE307BE045DA477B4/)
It was fast, it was comprehensible and above all, it looked like it was a perfect diamond. Now we have a menu that takes a long time to load, does look very good on the character screen but is an absolute mess when on the market or inventory screen. It took me an age to find the toolkit for my Lambo that I just crashed for a thousenth time.
My name is probably a mystery for some. Or people know me as 'that guy who sounds like Enzyme'. For others it is perhaps a reminder on how dictator RP can get boring as the totalitarian regime actuelly holds.
(You are very old if you remember any of these):
Due to circumstances I have a little more time on my hands. And I went down memory lane. LimeLight has made its mark in my period of playing Garrysmod.
I remember playing on REDACTED. I remember the staff going on strike. And I also remember tagging along. That being a good decision.
LimeLight had a fresh breeze. From the very moment LL started, the developers of that time strived to be unique and deliver a different experience than its playersbase was used to.. Which was very succesfull.
Who remembers going down to ya boii Tyrone to shovel up some fresh cooked meth up his nose to get yourself a brand new Lamborghini?
(Getting those limited lambo's was an intense race)
This system of making money was way too overpowered. But hey, it was fun!
Just like it is fun to stuff your car into the nexus elevator and getting it stuck on the presidential floor.
Or banning Brynn upon his promotion.
Good times....
For this time it was normal that the server was full. The police had something to hunt. The government had something to govern. The maffia had innocent shopkeepers to extort. All the while quality roleplay was maintained.
Quality like setting your shitty house on fire for the fourth time in a row while emergency services still keep their head cool and act exceptionally professional?
Times were good. But times has been harsh aswell. Which brings me to my next point.
What has happened?
The very low average player count is obvious, that is a symptom of a underlying cause. Why is this the case? To help us answer this question I found an old youtube video on my account. I made this video as a test for future purposes. It is of shitty quality, but don't worry, it is a hidden video.
"You received $85 salary. $14 paid to tax"
It is made purely as a test. But what can we see? A dick shooting down the officers because he didn't agree with the checkpoint. Well... next to that. One officer decided to put up this checkpoint. And I see 10 people tagging along. One action sparks the interaction of others, how small they may be!
This is just a very vague and small example. But where are these small interactions? I remember Nudelsalat Im Panzer spending hours and hours just being a traffic officer, not to get into an exciting chase where the perp would crash his car hollywood style. No. Just to RP to in its finest detail about giving a ticket. I haven't been a lot on the server lately, but the times I was on I did not experience these small things.
The small things are the very essence upon which roleplay is built. (Doodles, 2020)
Next are events.
Upon opening the forums, I am greeted with a header of some kind of event. Cool! But what happened to the unplanned, not so huge events that happened randomly when a moderator felt like doing an event? These events reach a public that isn't that accustomed to the server yet. Which can and will tie them down to this community. Correct me if I am wrong though, but back in the day I remember a lot of these small events happening, and I haven't seen them lately. But that could most definitly be me though.
I still have a pokertable in my inventory. I know it was a gamble to purchase it when it came out. But I remember that the promise was made that it would be fixed. It still isn't though. But that is not the point I wish to make. The point I wish to make is that perhaps it is time to sit back, and judge the current content on the server. Not only for whether the content is working or not, but whether it is still relevant/being used or if it is necessary. The download list is pretty long. And we do not have the large playerbase that we used to have, so it attracts less new potential members. A huge download list doesn't help that.
Lastly, I have been struggling with it ever since it was changed. The f1 menu. What happened to this hotshot?
It was fast, it was comprehensible and above all, it looked like it was a perfect diamond. Now we have a menu that takes a long time to load, does look very good on the character screen but is an absolute mess when on the market or inventory screen. It took me an age to find the toolkit for my Lambo that I just crashed for a thousenth time.
I do apologize. This looks like a "rant" or some "bashing" but that is absolutely not my intention.
I sincerly hope that people come with a good argumentation why I am talking complete shit. This is not a post made by "some worried old member" no. This was made purely to reflect on how it was used to be.
Looking at the current community as it stands today, I see a lot of new people and a nearly entirely new staff team.
I love that.
Seeing new people being devoted to ensuring a good experience here on LimeLight, makes me very happy.
I hope that my first part of this topic sparked a few laughs on people's faces. I also hope that someone can prove me wrong at the second part of my post.
LimeLight has all potential to shine once again. And it will.