Apr 19, 2020, 02:12 AM
Server [EU Live/EU Build/Event]: Live
Description: Bug with my prop limit and maybe others, live server is saying my max prop limit is 100, but when the server crashed on April 16-17 the prop limit fixed itself for a bit until my game crashed, and got set back to 100. My prop limit on the build server is inf, but it says on the live server I have 150 props max, but I don't have that 150 on the live server.
Bug observed since: April 17/2020
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...579CAB1AF/ This is the build server stating my prop limit on the live server is 150,
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...D7C1A5EEB/ This screeshot Shows the live server stating my max prop limit is only 100, when it should be 150?
Steps to Reproduce:
Description: Bug with my prop limit and maybe others, live server is saying my max prop limit is 100, but when the server crashed on April 16-17 the prop limit fixed itself for a bit until my game crashed, and got set back to 100. My prop limit on the build server is inf, but it says on the live server I have 150 props max, but I don't have that 150 on the live server.
Bug observed since: April 17/2020
Steps to Reproduce: