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Full Version: Herro Very Good
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Herro All My name is Mong Lee, Borther to Chong Lee, Very good 
very nice 
Very cheap 
very good 
lets spread the word 
Mong Lee
God bless china
aha very good! china number one ha!
Damn the Chongs and lees grow daily
Ah, very good
Ah, very good
Ah, Very good! I already met you in game! If any help will be needed just hit me upWink
Ah, Very good. Great to see you on the forum!
Id like to welcome you right off the "bat". Enjoy you're stay <3
Ah yes, good, yes. Now, like your brother, hoover my grass and mow my carpet. 5 dollar yes?
Ah, Very good, much swag, I like it