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Full Version: PR -> Himoo Shmulli
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Reported Players: Himoo Shmulli (STEAM_0:0:158748104) ()
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Mar-13 01:21
Summary: Gun dealer came up to me, and shot me to death with no reason. Later, I was alt-tabbed and died randomly to the gun dealer. Last time was when I began reporting him and he ran up to me and again RDM'ed me. He was also attempting to prop kill but I did not shadowplay it.

Please don't mind the background talking
Prop spamming proof.

[Image: unknown.png]
Awaiting accused
Approved - 

Even though the user is permanently banned, they will still receive a 6 hour weapons blacklist.

Edit: Forgot the prop spam, user will further be receiving a 8 hour from props. + Added to perm suspension.

Thanks for your report.