Reported Players: Kwsmith18 (STEAM_0:1:171856857)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Feb-16 03:17
Summary: Me and 2 other guys, find peace and talks in chill, suddenly this guy propkills everyone of us again, i try to ask him why he does that he just laughs and says "fuck you guys", and does it multiple times.
obviously not here to have fun....
Will conclude tomorrow morning.
reebs joined after the propkills which u can see in the vid at 1:36 and only saw the actual props in mainstreet and chose to punish him for only what he have seen, but he could have easy told me to send what'd he otherwise have done(propkills, insult) to make an more accurate picture of what to punish him for, in which i also told him multiple times that i have the footage...
(Feb 16, 2020, 06:16 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]reebs joined after the propkills which u can see in the vid at 1:36 and only saw the actual props in mainstreet and chose to punish him for only what he have seen, but he could have easy told me to send what'd he otherwise have done(propkills, insult) to make an more accurate picture of what to punish him for, in which i also told him multiple times that i have the footage...
You had told me that you were posting a PR on him when I spoke to you before I said anything so that point is moot. Regardless, Apollo will be concluding this tomorrow. Please sit tight.
Approved -
User has a large history of prop minging, and has only recently come off a ban for the same offences.
User will receive a two weeks suspension followed by a 15 hour black-list.
Thanks for the report.