Feb 12, 2020, 08:12 PM
![[Image: GeYZnoD.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/GeYZnoD.jpg)
Evocity Revolutionary Front
Established: 12/02/2020
Location of Headquaters: Unkown
Political Ideology: Nationalist Communism
Political Ideology: Nationalist Communism
Zdravstvuyte comrade, to the Evocity Revolutionary Front.
Zdravstvuyte comrade, to the Evocity Revolutionary Front.
We are glad to have you join our glorious revolution, soon our country will see the true, and only way to live; in communism. We believe in the factors of everyone having equal opportunity and items, our city is crippled with the wealthy always putting down working citizens, leaving them to starve and die in our streets.
We say enough, our revolution will be grand and will restore the power to the people, we will have control over our government and implement the changes that will save our country and this city, through peaceful and violent means, we do not actively seek out destruction, however if worse comes to worst, we will fight for our freedom.
Background RP
The Evocity Revolutionary Front was founded in 12/02/2020 due to a raise in taxes in Evocity and the divide between wealthy and poor, budget cuts to emergency services and the privatisation of many previously public services, leaving people who do not own or earn that much money to be placed in debt.
They're mainly built with American citizens, but after some social media influence, people from other countries have come over to assist in the Revolutionary Front. Some members country of origin include: United Kingdom, Finland, Russian, Ukrainian, France. They've also received endorsements from the Russian Federation.
They've yet to make a name for themselves, but have been promptly placed on the Federal Bureau of Investigations known hate groups due to their beliefs and social media advertisements, no other government organisation have currently set them on their watch list.
Steam Name:
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Previous Punishments:
Discord Name (Required to join our discord):
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Character Background (Age, Place of Birth...):
Incentive to Join:
Please note that this will not be a run around and gun police sorta group, but more based on actual logistics, spreading propaganda and sometimes clashes with government officials and groups!
Please note that this will not be a run around and gun police sorta group, but more based on actual logistics, spreading propaganda and sometimes clashes with government officials and groups!