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Evotimes Edition #4 Statement

This weeks edition(edition #4) of Evotimes will be delayed until Sunday, February 23. We apologise for this and we will continue the weekly publishing from then.

This statement is put out by David Toint
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For any questions, complaints or suggests contact David Toint
I have just moved out into a flat with my partner so taking some time sorting this place out before I get back into this project. If anyone sees some interesting RP please PM me on discord or here so I won't miss out! Thanks!
Again, I will have to delay Evotimes Edition #4.

OOC: I have been really busy with the move. I know some of you like to read the papers I make but I just haven't had the time over the two weeks. I will have to delay this till next Sunday (March 1st) and will be going bi-weekly(one paper every two weeks) from there on. I feel like this would give me more time to get stories on things that actually happened in game and allows be more choice on what I write on and how it is written. Again, I am sorry for the people who were looking forward to it but I just haven't had the time to get it done and sorted and I don't want to rush it.