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(Jan 31, 2020, 04:46 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]
Great that you have something to profit of.

What a crazy concept, a developer profiting off something he created. What ever next, a chef profiting off the food he makes or a shopkeep profiting off the products he sells, that's insane.
(Jan 31, 2020, 09:47 AM)Ben Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2020, 04:46 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]
Great that you have something to profit of.

What a crazy concept, a developer profiting off something he created. What ever next, a chef profiting off the food he makes or a shopkeep profiting off the products he sells, that's insane.
In my opinion, it's selling your own communities addons, as I am aware this is a company, so you wouldn't as an employee start selling out the company's addons. If this is the case, it's really unprofessional and wouldn't even be legal in most companies. 
‍ You need to think in different perspectives to gain a brighter sight, just a tip. 
I have sold on that website myself for over $3500, that's why I find it a bit funny.
(Jan 31, 2020, 11:30 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2020, 09:47 AM)Ben Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2020, 04:46 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]
Great that you have something to profit of.

What a crazy concept, a developer profiting off something he created. What ever next, a chef profiting off the food he makes or a shopkeep profiting off the products he sells, that's insane.
In my opinion, it's selling your own communities addons, as I am aware this is a company, so you wouldn't as an employee start selling out the company's addons. If this is the case, it's really unprofessional and wouldn't even be legal in most companies. 
‍ You need to think in different perspectives to gain a brighter sight, just a tip. 
I have sold on that website myself for over $3500, that's why I find it a bit funny.

As an employee of a company, you generally have nothing to do with any "addons" they have as they did not contribute to them in any meaningful way. In this case however, and other contributors created this particular addon from scratch, coding it from the ground up and which they have very generously let Limelight use. (Something which they didn't have to do, they could have simply sold it and left it at that.) It's their addon at the end of the day, they get to do whatever they like with it.

Let's not derail this thread any further however and wait for and to come back to us on whether they've got the answer they wanted.
(Jan 31, 2020, 11:30 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2020, 09:47 AM)Ben Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2020, 04:46 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]
Great that you have something to profit of.

What a crazy concept, a developer profiting off something he created. What ever next, a chef profiting off the food he makes or a shopkeep profiting off the products he sells, that's insane.
In my opinion, it's selling your own communities addons, as I am aware this is a company, so you wouldn't as an employee start selling out the company's addons. If this is the case, it's really unprofessional and wouldn't even be legal in most companies. 
I'm glad you know the inner workings of limelight better than myself, a secretary for the company, and Faustie, a company director.
I'll be sure to come to you for any advice.

(Jan 31, 2020, 11:30 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]"Ben"‍ You need to think in different perspectives to gain a brighter sight, just a tip. 
I have sold on that website myself for over $3500, that's why I find it a bit funny.
[Image: P3V5RXDfkwl4.png]
how very strange.
Big thonk, I wish I could make over $3,500 without making any content whatsoever
(Jan 31, 2020, 01:00 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2020, 11:30 AM)lampard Wrote: [ -> ]"Ben"‍ You need to think in different perspectives to gain a brighter sight, just a tip. 
I have sold on that website myself for over $3500, that's why I find it a bit funny.
[Image: P3V5RXDfkwl4.png]
how very strange.
I was about to give you my page and steam account, but you are really rude tbh.
Why is this thread still up? Just a massive shitstorm
How dare you make extra money by selling a public version for an addon developed by the Limelight Developers to support development??? WTF!

The question has been answered, and now this thread seems to be platform for people making weird pointless claims that are not tied to the initial topic just because for some reason they feel offended.

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