Hey community,
It's with regret that I have to announce that
has decided to step down from his role as Senior Moderator. He's been with us for some time now, but due to personal reasons he feels as if he's unable to continue with his responsibilities so feels that it would be best to step down.
You've been a great member of staff to have on the team, even if you have been a little special from time to time, and you'll definitely be missed. Thank you for everything Pilot and we wish you the best for the future.
who else is going to give me a rep for
Flags on the engine look great; well done on literally trying to perform "professional first aid" with an EMT mod watching then reply "I don't know professional first aid! I'm not an EMT!" Oh well, well done regardless."

Sad to see you leave Pilot, hope you’ll stick around though!
Hopefully we still get to see Trooper Steel roaming around the streets...
You'll be missed my child.
Going to miss those amazing sits your performed with players. All the best to you though Pilot!
well there goes the funniest mod alive...
thanks for everything <3
I'll never forget that one time you tried to save me from that train and had a miled heart attack xD
Thanks for your time, PilotC!
Pilot, it was always a pleasure to work with you. I'll miss you.
K-43 to D-42 on the air...receiving your final 10-7 on January 25, 2020, at 1408 hours. Thank you for your service and god bless you.
B-But... Who will yell at me in sits to shut my mouth when he speaks :c
Who will give me funny bans on minges I report :c
You can't do this to us!
Goodluck pal <3 Thanks for the fun times (And the only punishment I've received since returning back in 2018... You meanie)