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Full Version: F1 Menu Laws Break
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Server [EU Live/EU Build/US Live/US Build/Event]: EU Live

Description: Depending on the resolution of the monitor, the F1 menu laws isn't scaling correctly. For longer law sets, the laws disappear at the bottom of the F1 menu past they scroll bar. Certain special characters are not supported by the font. Laws don't load for some clients when joining the server

Bug observed since: For as long as I can recall 

Steps to Reproduce: Either see my laws or create a list of laws that exceeds what, 20 lines and lower resolution?  

Certain punctuation is not usable as its not supported by the font. "`" "'" ";" are all missing/appear as question marks. 
Thank you for your bug-report, Andromeda!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.