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Full Version: Making laws as president
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Server [EU Live/EU Build/US Live/US Build/Event]: EU Live

Description: When I began making laws on the server my game crashed after about 10 minutes. I know of others who have experienced the same thing. just before I crashed it said, " something is creating script errors ". It may be a coincidence but it seems like there is something wrong. 

Bug observed since 1/12/2020, 7.56 PM

Images/Screenshots: -

Steps to Reproduce:

Make some laws as president. 
Thank you for your bug-report, Marvin Hampton!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
It tends to happen a lot when you use F1 a lot, due to the overflow of the script or smth. I remember having it way back in the day doing weed when Doctor Internet told me something similair like this.

Did you make laws through the F1 Menu or through /addlaw in the chat?

If you used F1 alot; this may cause it (Doctor Internet probably knows more, or someone else. As they helped me with it before and I genuinly can not recall how)