(Jan 6, 2020, 10:40 AM)Wheatcake Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 4, 2020, 02:47 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]Finish my GCSEs alive
Bruh I did mine a couple months ago. They aren't even that hard if you only want to pass. But if you're that "over-achiever species" thingy then... Good luck.
Also, trust me when I say your results don't define you. Interviews look at your skills and talk to you. I've never had my results looked at in an interview, not once.
Those mock interviews that I'm sure you've had like I did are absolute bullshit by the way.
Glad to help.
^^ this
I got 4 GCSEs and absolutely tanked them, only got 1 C. Now I'm at uni. Work hard and you'll get where you wanna go.
Hopefully surviving year 12
My new years resolution is to finish school (A-Levels) well without wasting too much time learning all that stuff I'm never going to need again.
My new years resolution is to put money towards customizing my motorcycle and get myself a truck.
(Jan 6, 2020, 03:45 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]dont die 2K20 res'
that's a nayfirm
Make money by drawing squares and fancy mountains on my computer.
oh yea and lose weight 00F
Start a long term career field (hopefully happening in the coming weeks) > Buy new telescope equipment> become better at astronomy
have "forgive me father for i have sinned" in every ban/warning appeal i get
- Sport minimum 2x a week - Preferably 3x a week (I do bouldering)
- Get enough money to live on my own with my boyfriend in 2021
- Better money managment ^ slots in with that one
- Climb V6/7A before the end of the year (bouldering) [Currently at 6A after a month of climbing]
- Get my motorcycle license
- Get a motorcycle
- Not be depressed for the first year in 11 years
That'd be it really, most of it is going really well. Motorcycle stuff I am not starting yet for reasons. And the money stuff is just gonna depend on my contract in May aswell ^^