Reported Players: [L²:RP] BasicallyMental (STEAM_0:1:94870333) (
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Dec-30 15:22
Summary: I killed an officer after getting the permission from then i get shot down by basicallymental which is fair enough. He then procedes to blatantly violate rule 11.7 by executing me as a police officer when i am no longer a threat as i am injured.
EDIT: after he injured me he looked at me to make for a second then killed me, it just shows that the decision was thought through.
Anyone operating the shotgun will know when spamming clicks in order to shoot a person, there is delay on them being shot and the second shot was a result of this. I'll take punishment for it, but it was not an intended execution.
But if we're going to get petty Mav, I would love to post your OOC disrespect.
(Dec 30, 2019, 05:28 PM)BasicallyMental Wrote: [ -> ]But if we're going to get petty Mav, I would love to post your OOC disrespect.
Unrelated to pr
In the second piece of evidence i just added, it shows mental violate 11.7 again by shooting me out the car when i posed no threat to him nor the public.
(Dec 30, 2019, 05:45 PM)Maveric Wrote: [ -> ]In the second piece of evidence i just added, it shows mental violate 11.7 again by shooting me out the car when i posed no threat to him nor the public.
This has been opened in a seperate PR with an explaination

Alright, lets jump away from the evidence provided first and let's have a moderator to player moment, shall we?
You two are both grown enough to know what the Courthouse / Forums are to be utilized for. While you're more than welcome to post reports on the forums if you feel a rule has been broken there seems to be a developing issue between the two of you and trying to get each other in trouble every chance you have between your two player reports. Even watching the videos provided, hearing how you respond, and listening to the two of you bicker back and forth like children in the forums is unacceptable and a misuse of these systems. Frankly, it's time to knock it off and grow up a bit. Post only what is pertinent and stop trying to call each other out over the littlest things otherwise the three of us can meet in the server and have a conversation personally regarding this matter. Hopefully I'm understood.
As for the actual PR concern while there is a some lag when utilizing weapons it's generally not enough to cause a problem. With you stating you were "spamming" the shotgun it is a bit of a concern when you're playing as a police officer that you're utilizing the weapons in a careless way. You also received a prior set of blacklists in 11/2019 for execution of an injured person though that circumstance was a bit different it seems. I'm going to issue a 2 hour weapons blacklist on the basis of careless weapons usage, especially in the setting of you being a government player when you should have a bit more restraint when killing / shooting a player.