Hey community,
I'm very happy to announce that we have decided to promote
to trial moderator! D3ST has been with us for a long time now, and we believe that he's ready to be given a chance to join the staff team. Apologies I'm slightly late to post, but at least I'm able to say that D3ST is doing a great job already!
Well done again D3ST, it's great to have you.
and welcome to the madhouse. 
Congratulations dude! It’s also time to beat Welker in playtime


Ahhh, finally <3
good luck with your new role and if theres one bit of advice I can give you it's to listen to the team but dont be afraid to adopt your own style too 
Have fun reading that.
BoomerBoy jk luv u zoomer <3
Welcome to the team

That is a well deserved promotion! Congratulations