Today we‘ve got the 24th December 2019 and in large parts of the world people celebrate Christmas.
What’s actually interesting about this is how everyone does it - from what I know there are large differences even in the same country.
While my family and me celebrate Christmas by having a huge dinner (also inviting other family members/driving to their place) and the presents are under the tree the next morning (25th), others in the same region have some kind of Santa coming into their house in the evening hours of the 24th and the People stand around him and sing songs or so...
So guys, how do you celebrate Christmas? It’s quite interesting as I guess that some of you celebrate Christmas in a different way (or maybe even not at all?).
In the UK, we just spend time with immediate family on the 24th, 25th We open Presents in the morning (Some people don't open presents until after the queen's speech) and then have Lunch with your Whole Family on the 25th (Turkey and all that shit)
Pretty much what tom said. We however open our presents on the Christmas eve due to everyone working on Christmas day haha we still have dinner on the day so it's not all bad ayee.
We spent big money on food. We eat food and stuff. Nice alcohol. I like.
Update: i al sitting outside, waiing for papa and hoping the butter doesnt melt.
basically everything tom said however in my house we just get very drunk
Sad thing about the UK is that nearly everyone used to put lights up outside their house. Now it's just boring, grey and concrete.
Half the population don't even celebrate Christmas anymore, and then proceed to insult the practice because it insults their religious beliefs :/ no more pigs in blankets for you Mr, have a halal turkey rasher instead
(Dec 24, 2019, 08:54 PM)Rydolph Wrote: [ -> ]Sad thing about the UK is that nearly everyone used to put lights up outside their house. Now it's just boring, grey and concrete.
Half the population don't even celebrate Christmas anymore, and then proceed to insult the practice because it insults their religious beliefs :/ no more pigs in blankets for you Mr, have a halal turkey rasher instead
dunno where you live mate but there's lights up at almost every house around me. I don't believe christmas is very religious anymore in the UK it's just a time to get together
(Dec 24, 2019, 08:54 PM)Rydolph Wrote: [ -> ]Sad thing about the UK is that nearly everyone used to put lights up outside their house. Now it's just boring, grey and concrete.
Half the population don't even celebrate Christmas anymore, and then proceed to insult the practice because it insults their religious beliefs :/ no more pigs in blankets for you Mr, have a halal turkey rasher instead
I'm pretty sure you just live in a place full of people that idolise Scrooge.
I don't celebrate Christmas.
For me Christmas starts slightly earlier on the 24th of December, evening time when Hans Gruber fulls from the Nakatomi Plaza.
Holy Day of Obligation
![[Image: PMP24N1.jpg]](
(Dec 25, 2019, 08:11 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]Holy Day of Obligation
![[Image: PMP24N1.jpg]](
I don't celebrate Christmas, although much of my extended family does, so I treat this more as a yearly family reunion day.
Interesting to hear all your views on Christmas!
I agree to what Quest said, Christmas feels disconnected from Religion... and to be honest, I don’t think this is an issue. Christmas as a time to come together still serves its purpose.