Hey community,
It's my pleasure to announce that after 6 months of being on the staff team and progressing through our ranks, the team finally feels that Apollo is deserving of joining the administration team!
Apollo has been with us since June of this year and has done a stellar job since, and I'm more than confident that he'll continue to do extremely well in his new position, providing input to internal decisions and much more. Congratulations Apollo, it's been amazing watching you climb the ranks and I'm certain that you'll fit right in.
Well done!
...and happy birthday overlewd, you big weeb.
Gratz big boi!
They grow up so fast *grabs tissue*
^ Apollo after looking behind the scenes.
Congrats Apollo! Well deserved!
They should have put your promotion into a message like this: "
[L²] Apollo found a present and got Administrator."
About fookin time, well done.
Congrats my dude, very well deserved! (Time for a signature change aye?)
Congrats dude! All I'll say is stick up for yourself and dont be afraid to voice your opinion no matter how unpopular you think it could be, the team relies on healthy debate not sheep like following!
Congrats, well deserved <3
Gratz. Well earned keep it up lad
Congratulations man! It's been to long since ive heard your name!
Looking forward to (maybe) see you ingame in the future