Some of you may have already met me in-game, and I've just now gotten to my first hello thread. I'm a professional at procrastinating.
I was referred by to join this server, and to play this game at all, I've always been interested in role-playing and have done it before, only in writing. Using my voice is new to me, as well as all the rules, but I'm getting used to it. (He is also sitting beside me a good chunk of the time anyways, moderating and answering any questions I may have.)
Some of you may also know that he and I are actually together in real life, and I know it's a little unbelievable "dISaStWUs hAs A giRLfRieNd?!!?"
He's a lil' (lot*) cringey, but he's amazing all and all. Not only am I glad for having him in my life at all, but I'm happy he introduced me to all of you. <3
;o?! DiZaZtAwUz hAz aN gIrLfRiEnD?????!!<QUICKREFERENCES#11>
Hey there, welcome to LimeLight!

Welcome to the server! has told me a lot about you already, hopefully I'll speak to you both soon!
(Dec 12, 2019, 02:49 PM)Kimpow Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome!
(Dec 12, 2019, 05:22 PM)kellekerell Wrote: [ -> ]Hey there, welcome to LimeLight! 
(Dec 12, 2019, 08:43 PM)Ben Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the server! has told me a lot about you already, hopefully I'll speak to you both soon!
<3 <3 I feel so welcomed. Thank you everyone.
(Dec 12, 2019, 04:47 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]welcome disastrous' DA
That'll be 3000 dollars please
(Dec 12, 2019, 04:47 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]welcome disastrous' DA
Dang you caught me ;cc
Welcome to the server Disastrous gf aka DA! I've seen you play a lot recently, it's nice having new serious roleplayers on the server. Hope you enjoy your time here.
(Dec 13, 2019, 05:57 PM)Guv Wrote: [ -> ]greetings
(Dec 13, 2019, 06:18 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]That'll be 3000 dollars please
(Dec 14, 2019, 02:52 AM)Aryen Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the server Disastrous gf aka DA! I've seen you play a lot recently, it's nice having new serious roleplayers on the server. Hope you enjoy your time here.
<3 I've been really enjoying my time on here so far. Everyone has been very nice and supportive, especially when it comes to being one of the few girls that are on this server. It was really nice knowing that people took it seriously and I very much appreciate it.
Also, $3,001 please.
Did I hear DA?! oh dear I'm gonna need to beat you again aren't I, shame...
Welcome! To City 17.
It's safer here.