After 7 years, finally 23daley23 has no admin position in a community I play on.
See you around.
Thanks for everything you've done Daley, both for the server and for me over the years that we've known each other.
Best of luck, keep in touch!

I’m afraid that article 4, section 27 of your contract when you sold you soul to Limelight prohibits retirement. Have a good one.
Thanks for every thing daley, we will miss you
Couldn't survive without me and the duck man I see, as expected. On a serious note, you've been one of the best admins I've seen on here and you better keep playing with us dad <3
At least ban before you resign.
(Dec 2, 2019, 03:42 PM)Brynn Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t believe this.
who let you back here, hard noob
Oh Daley,
We've had great times, keep in contact yeah?
*holding back tears* my true succesor
I just can not accept this, Daley.
I can't.

Wow, did not expect to see this thread when logging onto the forums after nearly half a year.
I suppose we can (well, I, at least) officially declare CityRP dead then.
It was certainly a blast during these past years, but I guess it's time we move onto something else, just remember that moving forward is always for the better.
Enjoy your newfound freedom Daley, talk to you soon!