Nov 23, 2019, 05:00 PM
Reported Players: CATTO (STEAM_0:0:88896070)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Nov-23 14:37
Summary: I was playing at Skurkas casino at his roulette & dropped $100,000 to gamble. There was some guy named CATTO (STEAM_0:0:88896070) standing next to us that I didn't see, he picked up the money & then left the server 1 minute later.
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Nov-23 14:37
Summary: I was playing at Skurkas casino at his roulette & dropped $100,000 to gamble. There was some guy named CATTO (STEAM_0:0:88896070) standing next to us that I didn't see, he picked up the money & then left the server 1 minute later.