Excuse the more "serious" (if you can even call it that?) post in the off-topic section, but I'm looking for recommendations.
As many are already aware, I currently play on a laptop. You can vomit now if you like.
I'm looking to get a desktop, however, I can't build it myself as quite frankly, I've not got the time to.
I've looked into pricing for those "custom" computer websites, which all seem to be way out of my price range. There is one website that I found that was fairly affordable, however, I lost the link for it like the dumbass I am.
*EDIT: Just found the link*
My budget is fairly low, I want to get everything I want (computer itself + 2monitors) for under $800 USD.
If anyone has recommendations as to what to get and where that would be great.
Thank ya'll in advance

Overclockers is fairly affordable, I got my build for £700 with £30 shipping.
I don’t know the US market too much as I am from Germany but my question is: Why does time hinder you from building it on your own? It’s easy (I did it myself around 4 years ago with just having watched a few YouTube videos) and the building process itself took around 1 hour as I was inexperienced. This means you can usually get it done pretty easily without investing too much time and you can definitely save up a good amount of money by doing that.
So, in case you decide to go for it and built it yourself the question would be whether you already have a valid license key of windows 10 (which you are most likely gonna use I guess) as this can definitely change the price a bit.
Going for a ready Pc built + 2 monitors (also, do you have a LAN-cable, a mouse, a keyboard and speakers? Monitor speakers are usually not the best and the other stuff is, well, essential

) is quite hard. You’re definitely not going to be able to go for 144hz monitors as they’re too expensive (around $200 for a normal 144hz Monitor takes too much away from a max of $800). So in case you really only need the PC itself and 2 Monitors, I could review the stuff you found and tell you whether it makes sense to go for it or not. I can also suggest you a good 60hz monitor if you’d like.
I am quite experienced with PC parts and PC building. I can easily tell you whether an offer is good or nah. The biggest issue with ready to go PC‘s is that they mostly have shitty PSU‘s, Mainboards and stuff like that. I can also fill a shopping cart for you with the items I would go for in your price range in case you decide that you’re going to do it yourself.
(Oct 30, 2019, 08:50 PM)kellekerell Wrote: [ -> ]Why does time hinder you from building it on your own?
The reason time is hindering me is because I am a full time student with a part time job on a rotating basis (meaning I don’t know when I’m going to be off until I get my schedule the Friday before unless I specifically request a day off and it gets approved), in addition to my Fire Department and Ambulance Squad commitments.
I’m trying to go for ready-built if it’s available, however if it’s not available I can make time to sit down and get it done, it just may take me a while to find that time.
I do already have a mouse, keyboard, and headset, so I’m all good in that department. I do have a LAN cable but I just have to run it from the router downstairs to the computer itself which is likely gonna be a bitch.
Well, totally understandable. You've got my respect for what you're doing, I personally would never be able to handle so many things at once.
I will check the European market and look for certain specs which you could also expect to get from the American market Reebs. I will lookout for ready to go PC builds, but don't forget that you will certainly not be able to get the maximum out of your budget, but that's just how it is sometimes. If I was living close to you I would build the PC for you (as I've done that for my friends as well) but I am from Germany so that is sadly not possible :/
I'd recommend simply doing the research and building it. It doesn't take more than an afternoon if you know what you're doing, even if you're new at it (Case and point me lmao). Most pre-builts are obviously more expensive whether it be labor, branding, etc. Might as well save a few hundred and build it
Building your own is most likely going to be the cheapest option compared to "custom" or prebuilt ones.
This was my build over 2 years ago and at the time was around $700 however it's even cheaper now. If your budget permits I'd upgrade the GPU first.
Hey , just wanted to make sure you didn’t decide yet?
I was checking on some things and I would like to know whether it would be possible for you to pay around $850–900 or just go with 1 Monitor for now?
Also I guess the PC should primarily be able to play games, right? Such as GTA V etc. (obviously not with the highest settings/highest FPS).