Oct 16, 2019, 09:49 PM
![[Image: rR3R9q7.png]](https://i.imgur.com/rR3R9q7.png)
Hey all,
At long last you can express yourself through our new animations update! Animations can be activated either by
commands or through the beautiful panel made by which is accessible by pressing f5.
![[Image: 4HavuhV.png]](https://i.imgur.com/4HavuhV.png)
Animations panel
Currently we have 21 new animations, but we plan on adding some more so feel free to suggest any ideas you may have! /givemoney and voice radio are now tied in with animations to reflect the action. Please keep in mind that abuse of animations much like the /handsup function is considered FailRP. Unrealistic use is not allowed.
F5 is the default for the ui.
You can re-bind the ui by using
bind <key> animationui
bind F4 animationui
Animations by Night and Welker
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Point Left
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Point Right
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Give
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Radio Call
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Take pill
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Hand on holster
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Hand out (signalling stop), other hand on holster
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Hand on duty belt (as if adjusting)
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Clap
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Cross Arms
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Crying
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Guard Stance
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Lean Stance
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Hands in pocket
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]“Sunbathe” - lying in back with arms behind head
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Sit ups
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Eavesdrop
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Alternative gun safe mode (pistol)
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Sore back
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Praying
·[font=Times New Roman] [/font]Facepalm
UI Panel
Fixes & implementation
Animations Content