Sep 30, 2019, 02:49 PM
Tom Whyte
Age: 34
Hair Colour: Brown, short and styled to the right with a quiff
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 5ft 8"
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship Status: Single(Not looking for relationships)
Religion: Christian(Protestant)
Body Type: Lean
Personality: Tom is a laid back guy, who is generally nice to everyone as long as they show respect, are nice to others and aren't discriminatory. Tom is a very anxious guy, but always willing to help anyone who needs said help.
Professional Guitar Player & Singer
Professional Street Performer
Logical Thinking/Crosswords
Is In Possession of Advanced Drivers License
Tom is a very chill guy always up for a beer with anyone he sees. He will always try and help you no matter what, unless you have been mean to him. Tom likes respect and will respect anyone until they break that bond. He recently moved to Evocity, in fact only 2 years ago. He used to live in Scotland but the location is unknown. People suspect his name is different at birth than what it is currently. None of his Scottish friends or family, except his nonidentical twin, know who he is now and he does not keep in contact with them. Tom likes to volunteer himself to do jobs and will do anything to respect the government unless they are being unreasonable.
Known Relatives:
Craig Whyte
Side Details:
Finally Tom is a part owner in a family ran business in Evocity called Whyte Mechanics. He and his twin brother Craig run this occasionally when Tom has the time to escape from his CIA business as he likes to spend his holidays alone in his flat to recouperate.
Age: 34
Hair Colour: Brown, short and styled to the right with a quiff
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 5ft 8"
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship Status: Single(Not looking for relationships)
Religion: Christian(Protestant)
Body Type: Lean
Personality: Tom is a laid back guy, who is generally nice to everyone as long as they show respect, are nice to others and aren't discriminatory. Tom is a very anxious guy, but always willing to help anyone who needs said help.
Professional Guitar Player & Singer
Professional Street Performer
Logical Thinking/Crosswords
Is In Possession of Advanced Drivers License
Tom is a very chill guy always up for a beer with anyone he sees. He will always try and help you no matter what, unless you have been mean to him. Tom likes respect and will respect anyone until they break that bond. He recently moved to Evocity, in fact only 2 years ago. He used to live in Scotland but the location is unknown. People suspect his name is different at birth than what it is currently. None of his Scottish friends or family, except his nonidentical twin, know who he is now and he does not keep in contact with them. Tom likes to volunteer himself to do jobs and will do anything to respect the government unless they are being unreasonable.
Known Relatives:
Craig Whyte
Side Details:
Finally Tom is a part owner in a family ran business in Evocity called Whyte Mechanics. He and his twin brother Craig run this occasionally when Tom has the time to escape from his CIA business as he likes to spend his holidays alone in his flat to recouperate.