Sep 29, 2019, 04:59 PM
ID: 5d90c65a678aeb7d6288b1ce
Server [EU Live/EU Build/US Live/US Build/Event]: EU Live
Description: If you're arrested when wearing accessories, they aren't stripped. The model changes subsequently cause lua errors.
Bug observed since: Week ago perhaps?
Images/Screenshots: N/A
Steps to Reproduce: Put on accessory with a model e.g. dress, get arrested, have someone look at you and most of time there's errors. On release they aren't stripped too because we're no longer hooking spawn for removals.
Server [EU Live/EU Build/US Live/US Build/Event]: EU Live
Description: If you're arrested when wearing accessories, they aren't stripped. The model changes subsequently cause lua errors.
Bug observed since: Week ago perhaps?
Images/Screenshots: N/A
Steps to Reproduce: Put on accessory with a model e.g. dress, get arrested, have someone look at you and most of time there's errors. On release they aren't stripped too because we're no longer hooking spawn for removals.