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Full Version: Removal of probations
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[Image: limelightannouncement.png]

Hello community,

After internal discussion and a successful vote amongst the admin team, we have decided to scrap the probation system. We did this because we felt that the system was unfair and not very healthy to our playerbase. We have a lot of players currently permanently suspended for failing a probationary period, and whilst the system was introduced with good intentions, it didn't work out how we expected it to. As a result, we now propose a new system entirely.

Instead of probations being issued, there will be a soft cap on punishments which will be a month, though this can be longer if the team votes to extend this (similar to how the standard 6 month probation worked - you couldn't go higher unless the team stood by it). This would mean that we're stricter with our repeat offenders, but still offering the opportunity to change their ways if in the future they decided to do this. Permanent suspensions may also be issued under this system, but would be subject to the same voting criteria. The only occasions where permanent suspensions may be issued without passing a team vote would be for breaking our Terms of Service, hacking, crashing the server and other similar offences of a serious nature.

What happens with probationary periods that are currently active?

The probationary periods that are currently active will be nullified - you're now no longer under a probationary period.

What happens with those who have been permanently suspended as a result of failing a probationary period?

We'll be allowing these individuals to appeal (regardless of when your last appeal was) and they will have their probations reviewed. This will be done with the understanding that it should be relatively easy to appeal, however there will be edge cases that arise, and in those edge cases, the appeal will be brought forwards for staff to review and vote on as to whether the ban will stay. This doesn't however mean that appeals should be made with little effort or low quality - please be prepared to put some effort into your appeal so we're able to review it easier.

When will this be implemented?

Now. As of when this thread goes live, everything said in this thread becomes policy. Our internal guidelines have been updated to reflect this, and bans longer than a month need team approval except for situations stated above.

As always, if you have any questions then please speak to either or myself and we'll do our best to answer. Thank you all.
Now I can stop worrying about when I’m getting probation
Thank you.
I hated this system.
Completely disincentivized returning individuals.

I almost made a snarky post about this the other day because I think it was outlandish to be issuing probations for a game; probations that were unremarkably long. The energy here needed to be relaxed. You cannot operate that way with a diminishing player-base both in the community and the game itself. 

Going in the right direction!
The player count might go up from 5 players to 10 players now!
(Sep 24, 2019, 12:08 PM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]The player count might go up from 5 players to 10 players now!

[Image: b44af6c649cd20e62bf17639ee5e83d9.png]

[Image: Zl5ECpz.gif]
Hello community, we have an update!

After an internal discussion, we've come up with a criteria which we can use and go through the list of people currently banned due to probation.

The list of people that will be unbanned after this post as soon as possible is as follows:

Steam Name During BanCurrent Steam NameSteamIDForum Account
Dutch       STEAM_0:0:177570052
I.T.D-ItzBasPxCItzBasPxC STEAM_0:1:172084693
fat niggapost a pooSTEAM_0:0:27065955N/A
PythonRanch the DeerSTEAM_0:1:110137590
[L²:RP]MrMaaze #TeamEvoMrMazeSTEAM_0:1:127251248N/A

Those unbanned, please read the rules on your return. 
Welcome back!

Unfortunately, the rest of the people that were banned due to the probation system will have to appeal so we can review them as they didn't meet the reviewless unban criteria.