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Full Version: Limelight Building Competition!
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As we haven't had any new teams apply, the event will be delayed till we do. I know, it sucks however we want this event to be competitive and where all teams give their all. That will hardly happen if all applied teams finish it as winners.
Team name: Destiny INC
Team members: me &
Location you have chosen: The grass area behind the fence at DTM.
Team name: Montero Architecture
Team members:
Location you have chosen: TBC


video made by
Team name: BBQ Sauce
Team members:
Location you have chosen: TBC
The event will be done next weekend.

Those who have declared there location TBC please determine your location by thursday.
Gutted to have missed this (not too good at builing anyways but would of been fun) 
Gratz to the winners/runners up tho!
(Nov 8, 2019, 06:42 PM)Ozzie Wrote: [ -> ]Gutted to have missed this (not too good at builing anyways but would of been fun) 
Gratz to the winners/runners up tho!

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't do this because of unexpected irl issues.

Fortunately for you, you can still join!
Has this happened, is it happening, if it has not been done yet, can we get a date and time?
(Nov 8, 2019, 09:05 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]Has this happened, is it happening, if it has not been done yet, can we get a date and time?

No, yes, date very soon
Due to my exams, the event can't be this weekend or the next.

The event will most likely be on 30th of  November.
Closed. Archiving this and other threads that are currently not relevant. If you believe this thread has been archived in error, please contact an administrator.
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