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Full Version: Awh shit, here I come again.
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Nah don't worry, this time round I won't be a minge. 
I'm back and I just want to re-introduce myself as I don't want you to know me for how I was a few months ago.
So my names Caius, I'm 16, I like to stream on twitch, I can play guitar (you will see a lot of RP with me and my guitar on the server) I'm interested in a career in the Marines, I compete in boxing, (I used to do a lot of boxing rp and events on the server before my ban)

For those who don't know me, I used to be a huge minge on the server and just did what I wanted not what had to be done, this led to a huge amount of offences on my record.

I won't be as active on the server I was before as I'm currently in my application to the Marines and I have to get my fitness up by October, and after that I will be gone completely for 32 weeks for training, assuming everything goes smoothly when I join.

I also miss the old map Sad
Welcome back

Good luck on your fitness testing to get into the marines too!
Nice to see you unbanned. Seen your streams a couple times too, not to bad.


Welcome back bud, 

Good luck with your application to the Marines as well. See you around the server.
Welcome back to the server, hope to see you around soon. Big Grin
Welcome back, I missed you.
Welcome back!


0 n0 Tongue
Welcome back
Welcome back future crayon eater!