Aug 18, 2019, 05:11 PM
Reported Players: bob (STEAM_0:1:119824004) ()
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-18 14:38
Summary: Today, me and FinnishDrunk were playing when he told me that he was getting randomly shot at. I decided to switch on my recording software. I ran over to where I last saw him to realize that he had gone over to FinnishDrunk to shoot him and finish him off. Bearing in mind he had changed to gun dealer to self supply.
To get a bit more of a backstory read this next paragraph or skip. So basically this guy had ran me over, and me being part of the Corleone family, my boss started to shoot the guy as he had hurt one of his own family members. And as a mafia boss, they don't take that very kindly. Now I was part of this mafia but working as a chef part time to earn some money, however my boss came to check up on me to see how I was doing. Once I died in-character, I re-spawned and followed NLR not interacting with him, until he decided to revenge RDM FinnishDrunk, and self supply, then when confronted out of character by me decided to RDM me.
Now during one of the videos(can't remember) once I realized the guy had ran back to where I had come from I doubled back, and it wasn't until I was 3/4 of the way there that I realized I was breaking my NLR zone, so I quickly got out and tried to get his explanation for RevengeRDM(I had not been RDM'd at this point, it was after this confrontation that I got killed and then he started shooting S.Kelly)
Not only this after the incident he changed his steam name multiple times, and also his RP name to I assume try and make it harder to get his SteamID which of course I got because I watched him change his names.
Side note he prop blocked(the killing was not RDM here as I entered a restricted building)
If any of this is unclear I will try and elaborate! Also he was prop spamming but no evidence here, clearly not an RP'er
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-18 14:38
Summary: Today, me and FinnishDrunk were playing when he told me that he was getting randomly shot at. I decided to switch on my recording software. I ran over to where I last saw him to realize that he had gone over to FinnishDrunk to shoot him and finish him off. Bearing in mind he had changed to gun dealer to self supply.
To get a bit more of a backstory read this next paragraph or skip. So basically this guy had ran me over, and me being part of the Corleone family, my boss started to shoot the guy as he had hurt one of his own family members. And as a mafia boss, they don't take that very kindly. Now I was part of this mafia but working as a chef part time to earn some money, however my boss came to check up on me to see how I was doing. Once I died in-character, I re-spawned and followed NLR not interacting with him, until he decided to revenge RDM FinnishDrunk, and self supply, then when confronted out of character by me decided to RDM me.
Now during one of the videos(can't remember) once I realized the guy had ran back to where I had come from I doubled back, and it wasn't until I was 3/4 of the way there that I realized I was breaking my NLR zone, so I quickly got out and tried to get his explanation for RevengeRDM(I had not been RDM'd at this point, it was after this confrontation that I got killed and then he started shooting S.Kelly)
Not only this after the incident he changed his steam name multiple times, and also his RP name to I assume try and make it harder to get his SteamID which of course I got because I watched him change his names.
Side note he prop blocked(the killing was not RDM here as I entered a restricted building)
If any of this is unclear I will try and elaborate! Also he was prop spamming but no evidence here, clearly not an RP'er