Aug 17, 2019, 11:52 PM
Reported Players: [GL] cammy1706 (STEAM_0:0:155805502) ()
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-17 21:46
Summary: Summary Of Rule Breakages
Powergaming [Changing to president - just to demote The Whole PD - In pic] | RDM [In Vid]
| Caps In OOC [In Pic] |
R/C To Avoid [In Pic] |
| Mingery [In Vid]
the breakages have occurred throughout the course of Cammy being in game, affecting all of the players listed in the involved list
Evidence: - key points that I think are important highlighted
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-17 21:46
Summary: Summary Of Rule Breakages
Powergaming [Changing to president - just to demote The Whole PD - In pic] | RDM [In Vid]
| Caps In OOC [In Pic] |
R/C To Avoid [In Pic] |
| Mingery [In Vid]
the breakages have occurred throughout the course of Cammy being in game, affecting all of the players listed in the involved list